Saturday, September 27, 2008


So I'm under the impression that my apartment building may be the epicenter of something big....there are webs the size of my dick (OH!) all up and down the stairs and in the walkway leading to my door and I find this incredibly troubling...the spiders are gathering people....a lovely friend of mine was even so kind as to clear some webs out from in front of my door and by the next morning those joints were back and bigger than before.....crazy right...I keep getting visions of my apartment being like the gateway to hell like Sigourney Weaver in Ghostbusters except in my case its the gateway to spider hell and thats an all together more scary place than demon hell....its like a bad sci fi flick....a bad sci fi flick starring William Shatner.....kinda like......

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you may know me as Officer Joe from the 'Whats Going Down?' episode of Thats My Mama