Monday, December 29, 2008

working with a headache sucks....and the evil monkey on family guy is the best character ever created...ever

Monday, November 24, 2008


Janet Jackson gave me my first real boner - So I had the ipod on shuffle today and a few Janet tracks from Rhythm Nation came up. And as I was listening to her voice on said songs and getting aroused I came to the realization that this was all very familiar. That girls voice on certain parts of those songs is straight up crack juice and I even recognized that as a child aka instant 8 year old boner. Chuuch

Based on my ipod playlist I'm apparently a gay man named Steffan that lives in Midtown Atlanta in 1984 - I was looking at my recently played list and Madonna, Vanity 6, Minnie Riperton and *sigh* Hall & Oates have all been pumping *pause* out of my headphones. I'm ashamed and that's all I have to say about that

Beyonce on the AMA's last night - Lawd Jesus...that's all I have to say...I'd suck on her pussy like the antidote was in it

Hours are getting cut at work - not a good look. Especially since rent is coming up due soon. Its also not a good look for my recently developed crack habit. Fuck! Can't a nigga be a functioning drug addict and not go broke doing it anymore!?

Why can't you control when you mature? - due to recent events I began thinking about my last relationship and realize that a lot of dumb and petty shit ruined it. And that all of this could've been avoided if she and I had just acted like adults instead of being childish. We had a good thing and let it get away because of what my grandma calls "foolishness". You live and you learn and you move on and apply said "learning" to current and future situations. But does it have to be so goddamn painful?

It's hard being there for people sometimes - aside from being lashed out at for things that you didn't do. It can get hard because you have to try and empathize with them and let them get shit off their chest all while attempting to snap them the fuck out of it. And as a person that has seen some rather low moments in his life and didn't always have a shoulder to cry on I'm cool being that person. But you just have to be careful what you say and how you say it and I'm not always the best at it. I try though and I hope she...errrr....these people realize it.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Things I've learnnnnned this year

- Papa John's pan pizza crust has crack in it
- so does Mayfield Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream
- I need to learn how to hide my emotions better...people take advantage of me because I don't
- women use tears as a weapon and that pisses me off to no end
- I really miss Atlanta and I plan on getting back there as soon as I can
- I love being close to my family and being able to see my mother whenever I can
- I don't let go as quickly as I should
- trying to understand "crazy" will only make you crazy
- my fear of being robbed again still exists...everytime I come home I look around my apartment before walking in

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Make Autotune Stop

I'd like to thank T-Pain for introducing hip hop and r&b to using autotune this way and I'd like to thank Kanye and Lil Wayne for making young niggas think its we could just get Lil Wayne to kill himself so all these same niggas think its cool and go can dream can't he

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

An Interesting Text Convo

So I was awakened today by a text from a female friend of mine telling me "good morning"...nothing out of the ordinary, she sends them on a frequent basis...perhaps I should first give a little background on my relationship with this woman...we've known each other for almost 5 years now and have spoken to each other on the phone or in person for damn near everyday of that time...needless to say feelings were caught (or so I thought) and deeper convo came about from said feelings...deeper convo which first started when she told me that she loved me...I was completely caught off guard when she first told me this and didn't know how to react so I kinda chuckled it off...but then she started sending me text msgs saying it and ending or convos with these words...I still didn't know how to react and continued to chuckle it off...this led to her getting angry with me because I never responded to her...I put much thought into this and came to the conclusion that I did feel the same way about her but I still never said anything because I didn't know if she was being real with me...I determined that she was being real with me (or so I thought) and began saying it back to her...but anyway...suffice to say this lead to a lot of drama...I kept trying to get the girl to kick it with me on my dime...or I would come kick it with her...but she continuously denied me and blamed it on having a I understand that...shes single now and I've asked her on a few occasions again if something was going to happen between us or not...never really got an answer...until this morning...I gave her an ultimatum (use your invitation or lose it) the other day after she got angry with me because I was in Atlanta visiting a new female friend of mine and she knew how much I was enjoying why would one get upset about that if they didn't have any interest in me for themselves?...but anyway...the convo this morning went like this...

Good Morning Puppet

Puppet:Good morning shall I buy your ticket today?

Geppetto:Where is that coming from?

Well woman...I'm trying to see you again because I'm tired of lash outs about me seeing when shall I buy it?

Geppetto:I wasn't lashing out because of that and that alone!...You said use it or lose it. I'm not using it. I just want you to be happy...


She wants me to be what?! I mean really what the fuck is wrong with this girl? My homeboy has been telling me forever that he thinks shes just a grade a nutjob and I'm at the point where I think I should've listened to him...nah scratch that...I did listen to him and cut this broad off for a few weeks last year but was suckered back in by what I deemed to be her genuine sadness and openness about how she felt about me when she called me and I finally decided to answer...but now...fuck her...I wish I could just go back and never have ever started talking to this would've saved me a whole lot of goddamn time and stress and I probably would've had a clear head and not missed out on opportunities with other women that could've turned into something'm done blabbing about this...matter of fact I'm done with the whole situation...I finally have gotten just took me dumb long

*no words*

the sad thing about this is I still know REALLY KNOW real people that are intelligent and successful that are going to willingly vote for these clowns...what the hell man...

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Monday, October 6, 2008

Forgive me but.....

....that shit doesn't look fun....dude just looks like a fucking all those crackheads you used to see downtown outside of the GA State village tick'n or shimmying up and down the sidewalk....not a good look at all

Sunday, October 5, 2008


the most addictive show....I used to watch eps of this constantly on vh1 classic....and now they've profiled one of the most addictive albums of all time....yeek!

Really people? Really?

I mean I'm all for you being behind a cause and showing support for whatever movement you're with....but fucking learn to spell....or at least have the decency to let cousin Bobby that made it to 11th grade and works up yonder at the Home Depot now make the signs for you....I'm pretty sure he can at least spell or piece together something more coherent than this shit....I don't know what to say about this other than....I blame hip hop

Failbo Slice

so Kimbo Fail was supposed to fight old man Ken Shamrock tonight....but due to an injury to the old man (most likely involving a walker or some sort of hoverround collision) a fill in fighter had to be this dude finds out at the last minute hes going to have to fight the most hyped MMA fighter in history and promplty goes into the ring and mollywhops him....14 seconds....14 seconds! takes me longer to squeeze one out....I can't even heat up a pop tart in 14 seconds....14 seconds good god....when I got my first piece of ass I lasted longer than 14 seconds....just embarrassing...hopefully now this guy will stop getting all this hype......hes a goldamn fraud with no real skills

Friday, October 3, 2008

Thursday, October 2, 2008

I Am Your Conscience....

this shit still makes me weak....

2 Piece Fish Sammich....

I hope thats what she ordered because damn it thats what she got....WOW...shame on all those grown people that stood there and watched this

Monday, September 29, 2008


No haircut for a month....its not a good look....or is it? hmmmmmm

Sunday, September 28, 2008

I Miss BET Uncut

seeing coked up rappers throwing money around with half nekkit bitches illegal drugs and weapons fast cars strip clubs regular clubs regular clubs with strippers strip clubs with no bitches street corners dim parking lots rims chains bad graphics nonsensical videos bad bad bad songs good songs like 'still tippin' that went mainstream after being on uncut for months unexplained bulletproof vests the black jesus video that starts off with him at the strip club and morphs into a tribute to his dead homies etc etc etc

Thats Not Ballin

so like I'm a sneakerhead to a certain level...but goddamn shawty....this nigga right here is buggin the fuck favorite part is the ominous pause after "well fuck you"....yes I love that part even more than the Kanye reference....oh and the fact that he was so geeked he forgot his name...."my name is.................Jacob.....yeah my name is Jacob"....nah nigga your name is "Virgin"....especially if you're that geeked about some've definitely never had a naked woman laying in front of you....never........ever..........ever

Saturday, September 27, 2008

That Boy Ain't Quite Right

Negashi Armada of the group Supreeme posted this on their website....apparently his Grandma thinks hes involved in "foolishness"....his response is priceless

"My Grandma wrote me this a month ago i havent written back , im a little taken a back but we taking it back. I guess she doesnt have too much faith in your boy.

Dear Negashi, I always ask about you when talk to your dad. Tonight he was less than happy about your recent behavior. He says it appears that you think that it is an imposition to call and let him know where you are and when you will be coming in. I know that you want to be independent and he would like you to become an adult. as well, but you are not. Nor are you yet a responsible adult and considerate adult. I gather from your status is that you are vegetating. This Dream of Hip hop has taken up 4 + years of precious youth which could have been spent in pursuit of the knowledge/career that will sustain you financially and provide you with a secure future. Something that the deck is not stacked so high against you. What you told me about your sisters suggest that soon your sisters may by pass you. How will you feel then? 4 years from now will you still be meeting with your Peeps and hanging out , broke but hopeful? Have you considered that your mother may need help at sometime in the future. Will you be able to provide it.? Responsible adults think about the next generation and their responsibility to the previous one. . In your circles it may not be the norm that one is expected to call and reassure your housemates-- let alone parents-- that all is well and that you will be coming in at an estimated time or not. Unrelated persons living in Urban areas-- especially-- do this routinely. It is not related to age or dependent status. It is caring. Where you are concerned, I am beginning to wonder about drug use. Shaka already was a user when I saw you in Baltimore and always appeared to me to have an undue influence on you He is after all 2-3 years older. I now wonder about you .because I know that one of the things a user hates most is to be accountable for time and place. If I am wrong, or unfair forgive me, if I am right GET OFF THAT ONE WAY TRAIN! It won't take you anywhere but down. I was very proud to read that you were writing. You really have a gift for it. I like to think that you got it from me!! A book of essays about " HIP HOP INSIDE OUT" about your travels and experiences would be great . I bet it would be picked up by a major publisher and provide you with the wherewithal to go to Goddard or Bennington alone. Saving yourself is not a group project! I am going to try to come down there soon. I have to get some dental work to get done first. Please respond to this. I hope you understand that i really do love you and want you to live up to your potential Granma ********.

Man i dont know i told her to download Silver Medallion."


So I'm under the impression that my apartment building may be the epicenter of something big....there are webs the size of my dick (OH!) all up and down the stairs and in the walkway leading to my door and I find this incredibly troubling...the spiders are gathering people....a lovely friend of mine was even so kind as to clear some webs out from in front of my door and by the next morning those joints were back and bigger than before.....crazy right...I keep getting visions of my apartment being like the gateway to hell like Sigourney Weaver in Ghostbusters except in my case its the gateway to spider hell and thats an all together more scary place than demon hell....its like a bad sci fi flick....a bad sci fi flick starring William Shatner.....kinda like......

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Goodbye fellas....

So the Reds made another trade the other day....its...its....really hard for me to talk about it tho...first they ship off my boyhood idol.......and now this....they've traded a perennial 40 hr 100 rbi guy ...for basically a bag of doorknobs and a stick of juicy fruit....they probably wouldn't have been able to resign him and Griffeys decline in skills didn't warrant them picking up his option for next season...but DAMN IT...can we get something more in return than a carburetor for a 1970 Dodge Dart?....sigh....time to look forward to next year and another losing season for my beloved Reds....I wasn't happy when they fired Wayne Krivsky and brought in Walt "the devil" Jocketty and I'm still not sold on it especially after these lopsided deals....but hey what can you do....still a fan...always will in shambles or not

De here

so yeah...I've started a blog and I'll probably use it to vent about a lot of shit that nobody will care about...good stuff

About Me

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you may know me as Officer Joe from the 'Whats Going Down?' episode of Thats My Mama